EMC Concept -- Preface

EMC Concept -- Preface

Recently when I looked for the new opportunites, here is one thing interesting. So I want to show my opinion and experience to you.     

Following figure is the hardware development flow chart (rough) :

Most of people think that hardware engineer do the circuit design, layout team do the layout and EMC team solve the certification problems. But let us think about it once. If circuit designer doesn't consider the PCB size and always use the large components. How should placement the components on PCB or how many PCB layers should be used? If layout engineer doesn't consider about the routing trace, what disaster will happen on EMC results?

So the strange things are that:
1. Circuit designers always say they know how to placement. 
2. Most Layout engineers are painters, not exact the engineers.
3. Certificate engineers solve the EMI issues by using shielding cases.  
Ultimately the total BOM or the development cost arise.

I hope the bosses or the senior manager could realize this problems. 

